series "PORTRAITS n°1"

« Declamation »  n°1

acrylic on canvas   (39,38 x 39,38 in)

5000 € 

« It looks as if your eyes are covered by a milky mist;

Your mysterious eye (is it blue, grey or green?)

Alternatively tender, dreamy, cruel,

They reflect the indolence and pallor of the sky.”

Baudelaire    “Ciel brouillé”


Baudelaire    « Ciel brouillé »

hommage à Lucian Freud huile sur toile 100x100 7900e E1
« Homage to Lucian Freud » 

acrylic on canvas  (39,38 x 39,38 in)

7900 € 


“The artist transmits to others his innermost feelings, all that he cares about. He reveals his secret to all who view the painting through the same intensity with which he feels it.”

Lucian Freud

« man in an undershirt » n°2

acrylic on canvas   (39,38 x 39,38 in)

4000 € 
« man in an undershirt » n°1

acrylic on canvas  (39,38 x 39,38 in)

4000 € 


“Will you not have pity on my wandering youth,

I crossed the seas to come to you.”

Maxime Du Camp ; Une histoire d’amour (1889)

« Reproduction of a classical drawing » 

acrylic on canvas  (39,38 x 39,38 in)

2800 € 

“One can cut all the flowers

but one cannot keep spring from coming.”

“Pueden cortar todas las flores,
Pero jamás detendrán la primavera”


Pablo Neruda
« brothers enemies » n°1

acrylic on canvas  (39,38 x 39,38 in)

2700 € 
« brothers enemies » n°2

acrylic on canvas  (39,38 x 39,38 in)

2700 € 

Cain and Abel,
Jacob and Esau,
Perez and Zerah,
Romulus and Remus,
Etéocle and Polynice…

as fraternal enemies and tragic fates.

For having been deprived of them – oh ! How I envy loving siblings, seeing them as accomplices.

« Colette » 

acrylic on canvas  (39,38 x 39,38 in)

2700 € 


“There is often more anguish in expecting pleasure than in enduring pain.”


« shepherd » 

acrylic on canvas  (39,38 x 39,38 in)

2000 €


“You have the watch and I have the time.”

a shepherd in Mali had told a photographer 

« Young man at the Cross »

oil on canvas  (39,38 x 39,38 in)

6000 €

“Do you come from the deep sky or do you come out from the abyss,

O Beauty! your gaze, infernal and divine,

Confusedly pours benefit and crime,

And for this we can compare you to wine.”

Baudelaire  “Hymne à la beauté”

« Vél’d’Hiv raid 1942 »

acrylic on canvas   (39,38 x 39,38 in)

3000 €
« Broken Mouth »

acrylic on canvas  (39,38 x 39,38 in)

3800 € 

“Who knows if the stranger sleeping under the immense arch*

blending its epic glory with the organs of the past

is not this foreigner who has become a son of France

not by the blood received but by the blood spilled.”


  • the immense arch is the triumphal arch of the Place de l’Etoile in Paris where the tomb of the unknown soldier is located.

« face »

oil on canvas  (59 x 39,38 in)

8000 €

“to have the world´s experience without being jaded,
to be innocent without being naive,
to know everything without taking anything for granted,
to know the value of everything and the price of nothing.”

Edmund White

« handsome »

acrylic on canvas  (39,38 x 39,38 in)

3800 € 

“The weather at its most beautiful
Likes to make an affront,
And will know how to fade your roses
In the same manner as it has wrinkled my forehead.”

Pierre Corneille

« the Inquisitor »

acrylic on canvas   (39,38 x 39,38 in)

2300 € 

“The same course of the planets
Rules our days and nights
I’ve seen what you are;
You will be what I am.”

Pierre Corneille

« half-breed in profile »

acrylic on cardboard  (40,55 x 40,55 in)

1900 €

“The value of existence is sometimes measured by the risk of losing it.”

« dreamer »

acrylic on canvas  (39,38 x 39,38 in)

3000 € 

“Yes, I am the dreamer; I am the comrade. 
Small golden flowers from the wall that is decaying, 
And the accomplice of the trees and the wind. 
All this knows me, you see. I have often, 
In May, when the scent is strong, and the branches are swollen, 
Had conversations with the wallflower flowers. “

Victor Hugo
« worried young man »

oil on canvas  (39,38 x 39,38 in)

4500 €

“You think that all is finished, but then there’s always a red coated bird that starts to sing.

Paul Claudel
« Amy Winehouse » n°1

acrylic on canvas  (39,38 x 39,38 in)

2500 €
« Amy Winehouse » n°2

acrylic on canvas   (39,38 x 39,38 in)

2300 €

« They tried to make me go to Rehab
But I said no, no, no »

Amy Winehouse « Rehab »

“If you could see my heart as well as my face,
You would see him bloody, pierced a thousand times,
All burnt, cracked, you would be without my voice.
Forced to mourn me, and break your rage.”

Agrippa d’Aubigné

« portrait of a boxer »

oil on canvas  (39,38 x 39,38 in)

2700 €
« anonymous portrait »

oil on canvas  (39,38 x 39,38 in)

2700 €

“I had to get up. I was one of those hungry fighters. You could have hit me on the chin with a hammer for five dollars: if you hadn’t eaten for two days, you would understand.”

Jack Dempsey heavyweight world champion.

“I’m getting lost now that you’re away from me mom.”

Mike Tyson


“Bad memories, yet welcome.

You are my distant youth.”

Georges Courteline

« Boy George »

oil on canvas   (39,38 x 39,38 in)

2000 €

« I’ve felt this love I felt this pain
I felt this heartache too
I came so close but no one knows
The love I felt for you »

Boy George  » Something Strange Called Love »