« I would like for you perceive behind these hard and preoccupied faces, perhaps even in suffering, this gleam of tenderness which exists in each of us; and as my friend Jean-Claude would say it reminds me that the beauty of man is also his fragility.« 


When I look at the starry sky on a beautiful summer night, I often think of Gauguin and ask myself “Where do we come from, who we are, and where are we to go?”

Cosmology fascinates me. It offers itself to my dreams, and with my brushes and varied colours I create my own imaginary universe with its infinite galaxies, comets and stars. I recreate magical kingdoms with kings, queens and princesses – I travel to the confines of consciousness and reason at the speed of light.


In about 5 billion years our sun will explode and destroy itself and all know life in our universe. It will have burned out all of its hydrogen. Our distant descendants will hopefully escape the mass destruction which will follow – they will be forced to migrate to other planets, perphaps, Centure, 40,000 billion kilometers away. Technology might prepare us for this long journey – quantum physics and high technology in the like of Star Trek and Space Guild of Dune might make our dream possible.


I can sense the smell of sulphur already rising up my nostrils. Is the worm already in the fruit?


Infinite scenarios constantly reel in my head, they often have nothing to do with each other….. They become still when they are finally committed to the canvas. Oftentimes it takes days, months or years for the final retouch, but this is not always the case.

When the scenario is concluded I change subject.



« Some were strong, some were not,
Some stood, some couldn’t.”
 “In this chaos the lives of those who suffer and those who don’t are acted out;
We see beings who love each other and some who don’t,
those who fight and those who won’t,
those who still hope and those who don’t believe,
and there are those who move a little forward and those who take a step back.”

“I ask you, my sovereign Mother – where are they?…
where have the snows of days past gone ?”
François Villon

“I put the rose here and slide the carnation there.
I don’t think about it, otherwise the magic stops,
I put a little green here and a little red there,
the bouquet is finished, five minutes of ecstasy”


I had the great honour of taking part in the travelling exhibition “dibujo en el siglo XX” organised by the Fundación Caja Duero in Spain. Two of my drawings were presented alongside great masters such as Picasso, Cézanne, Modigliani, Magritte, Degas, Manet, Delvaux, Miró, Dalí, Balthus, Foujita, Botero, Barceló, Antonio Saura, Antonio López, Tàpies and others.


I wanted to place a filter in front of my subject, a grid that would discreetly allow for a secret to be shared – the confidant remaining anonymous as in a confessional. This filter, which at first sight might complicate the vision, can, on the contrary, make it possible to perceive and receive a revelation. If this happens, perhaps the magic of the murmur distilled through the filter can remind us of Victor Hugo :

“Ah! When I tell you about myself,

I’m talking about you.

How do you not feel it?

Ah! Fool who thinks I’m not you!»




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Visit of the painter's studio

This site contains only a few copies of my work. If you wish to see all the paintings or to see them in real life, you can come and visit my studio which is located in the South of France (between Nimes, Avignon and Arles).